Upcoming Events
Every year we host a range of free events for our members to share information, support up-skilling and to create networking opportunities. See our events for the 2024-25 academic year below.
Monthly Drop-in sessions
On the last Wednesday of the month, we host a one hour drop-in session open to everyone
New to Access to HE Briefing
3 September
The briefing is for providers’ new members of staff involved in the delivery of Access to HE Diplomas or for those wanting a refresher on Access to HE regulation.
Provider briefing
10, 11 and 17 September
The briefing will summarise the quality assurance arrangements for 2024-25, the changes to the Diploma Specification and grading scheme effective in 2024-25.
AOC Annual conference and Exhibition
12 and 13 November
CAVA stall at the AoC conference, NEC in Birmingham. Focusing on key areas of research: adult education, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability.
CAVA's annual conference
6 December
Exploring the future of teaching and assessment linked to the delivery of Access to HE Diplomas.
External moderation events
10 December / 14 and 15 January
The December session is a drop in for new external moderators to ask questions and meet CAVA officers and other moderators.
The January sessions will provide essential information for all external moderators, including an opportunity to sample Level 3 work. You can watch this here.
4, 5 and 11 February
An opportunity for tutors and internal moderators to share, discuss and calibrate their expectations in relation to standards of work in the context of the new grading standards.
Sessions will be for those who mark and/or moderate assessments.
Pre-Access seminar
25 February
The session will introduce the Pre-Access qualification and how it can be run to support progression onto Access to HE Diplomas.
It will provide an opportunity for tutors and internal moderators to share, discuss and recalibrate their expectations in relation to standards of work.
Quality assurance webinar
29 April
The workshop will provide an opportunity to refresh and apply relevant knowledge.
Awards board briefings
4 and 11 June
The workshop will explore good practice in running effective and efficient awards board events.
The Chair's event will discuss how the chair’s role facilitates an effective and efficient awards board event and to provide an opportunity to share good practice.
Graduation celebration
22 July
Celebration for CAVA students completing in 2024-25.