CAVA committees

Our committees and working groups bring together expertise from across our organisation to advance key initiatives and ensure our services meet the needs of our educational community.

CAVA Board

The CAVA Board is the most senior body within the organisation’s governance structure. CAVA is licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) as an Access Validating Agency (AVA) to award the Access to HE Diploma. The CAVA Board has the ultimate authority for the licence and is responsible for meeting our responsibilities as an AVA. 

The Board is supported by two committees: the Quality and Academic Development Committee (QuAD) composed of academic and quality experts; and the Council of Members composed of representatives from each of CAVA’s member institutions. The day-to-day operations of the organisation are delegated to the CAVA staff team.

CAVA Board's composition is:

Board representatives are appointed for a three-year term, with the option to have up to two continuous terms of office. All Board representatives are non-executive and receive no remuneration from CAVA; with the exception of travel and subsistence incurred on CAVA business. 

Quality and Academic Development Committee

The CAVA Quality and Academic Development Committee (QuAD) has delegated responsibility from the CAVA Board to oversee:

QuAD also supports CAVA member institutions by devising a programme for the year’s development events for external moderators and Access to HE practitioners appropriate to their needs. 

QuAD's composition is:

QuAD representatives are appointed for a three-year term, with the option to have up to two continuous terms of office. QuAD representatives receive no remuneration from CAVA; with the exception of travel and subsistence incurred on CAVA business. 

CAVA Promotion and Recruitment Working Group

The responsibility of PRWG is: 

The composition of the PRWG includes:

Representation at PRWG meetings: